Thursday, November 12, 2020

Privacy and the Modern World

Before this class, I was aware that the search engines I use and the websites I visit monitor what I use them for. Of course they do, how else would Instagram know to put an add for boots on my home screen only ten minutes after I do a web search for sales near me? But watching these videos and seeing the sheer amount of information about me that's being recorded and and stored is horrifying. 

I never really considered just how much you're able to learn about someone, just by skimming the bare minimum of their search history. Another thing I never considered is just how much of that information I'm giving away. I don't just use my Google account on my laptop after all, my phone is also logged into that account. In fact, I have several accounts that I use, many of which are active of both of these devices. Not only do I use my personal account, but I also have the email that's linked to my online store, as well as the social media I run for a club on campus, both of which are constantly logged in and in use, presumably gathering data happily in the background and shipping it off to where ever it goes. 

These videos were certainly eye opening, and I am, as I type this, making the move to Firefox.


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